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El Ruha Retreat Center

Book of genesis: Chapter 28 verse17 Scripture says" How awesome is this shrine! This is nothing else but an abode of God, and that is the gateway of heaven!Kottakkadavuvillage, which is the blessing of Kozhikode districtis scenic with ravishing sights.At the heart of the village, in 20 acres of hillyarea issituated St. Paul's monastery, and Church.St. Paul's LP School, which emits the light of knowledge is also part of the premises. The monastery which is part of theDevamatha Province of Thrissur CMI Congregation,wasfounded in 1936by RevFr.AthanasiyusPayyappally. In 1936 itself, Rev.father placed a miraculous crucifix at thechurch courtyard. Thishas been considered as one of the biggest crucifixes in Asia.
The Gospel of St Mark,Chapter 16,verse 15:"Jesus said to his disciples, 'Go out to the whole world, proclaim the gospel to all creation”.St. Paul’s House ,situated against Arabian sea ,is rich in the scriptural downpours, divine praises and anointings of the Hoy Spirit .This is because,as a fulfillment of the long-cherished expectations and prayers,and especially for the great intervention of the Hoy Spirit, God blessed to start a retreat Centre under St. Paul’s House, Kadalundy,to transmit the light of knowledge to God’s children and to provide them healing of the body and soul. The Book of Joel the Prophet, chapter 28, "And afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters willProphesy” On October 5, 2020, under the leadership of Rev.Fr Raphael Kokkattu, Father Joseph Parathappally and Fr.DijoPayyappally reached here as members of the monastery.Then as a sign of the thepowerful intervention of the Hoy Spirit,His Excellency Mar Remigius Inchanani,bishop of Thamarasseri granted permission to start a retreat centre at Kadalundi and on 19th April 2021,the bishop performed the blessing of the retreat centre ,with a holy mass.
In the retreat centre by the name ‘El Ruha’ which means ‘the spirit led by the divine inspirations of the holy spirit’, various spiritual services have already been started. By the grace of Almighty God, a You tube channel has also beenlaunched, to deliver the message of gospel across to people, to get filled up with holy spirit, for spiritual and emotional healing and to accept. Jesus as the lord and the saviour.In the gospel of John, chapter 20, verse 22, lord Jesus after resurrection told his disciples, “You receive the holy spirit”. Each one of you is invited to El Ruha retreat Centre,Kadalundi, to receive blessings by being part of the retreats, conventions and healing services conducted here.We pray that all of you may participate in the retreats at El Ruha retreat centre and lead your lives filled with holy spirit. Wishing you all the Blessings of God and praying for the loving protection of God the father,for the retrieving love of Jesus, the son and for the light of the holy spirit,ElRuha Retreat Centre,dedicate this to God.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”


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